12:02 PM

Belkin JoyPod iPhone Game Controller

I had found an interesting upcoming iPhone accessory at TouchArcade. The Belkin gaming controller accessory for the iPhone and it is in development.

The info claiming that the controller will support Apple App Store. If that true, this means Apple will be official support for the accessory in the iPhone SDK.

The other features of this controller includes 8 gaming button, audio output and Dock connector for power and syncing.

11:46 PM

Apple details next-gen multi-touch techniques for tablet Macs

Long rumors Mac tablet finally away from the shadow. According to the AppleInsider, they discovered iPhone maker Apple Inc. illustrates a number of techniques that would pave the way for tablet Macs that display a near full-sized multi-touch keyboard and run an undiluted version of the Mac OS X operating system in a revised company filling.

Total of 52-page filing describes methods for accurately detecting and deciphering a plurality of simultaneous contacts on a touch screen, which sets the foundation for future tablet-based products that users can manipulate using not only more than one finger, but more than one hand. More detail in full article.

Will we see this temping product from Apple this coming September or later this year? Only Steve Jobs knows.

10:46 PM

Apple iPhone Ads banned in UK

An advertisement for Apple's iPhone has been banned in UK after falsely claiming the gadget allowed users to access all content on the Internet.

The Advertising Standards Authority said it had received several complaints from viewers who said the claim was misleading because the iPhone did not support Flash or Java.

Flash and Java are pieces of software installed on almost all personal computers which allow people to access Internet applications such as multimedia, streaming video and interactive games.

11:07 AM

PwnageTool 2.0.3 for Mac OS X & QuickPwn update now available

The iPhone Dev Team has released PwnageTool 2.0.3 for Mac OS X. This version provides support for iPhone/iPod firmware 2.0.2 5C1, it has an updated Installer.app beta (b6) and contains a new .de localization for the German. PwnageTool 2.0.3 is available as a Sparkle update or a direct download from iPhone Dev Team's server HERE.

Along side with PwnageTool, the Windows QuickPwn also get an update. This "150 beta" update contains a revised GUI that has tighter integration into the the main updated QuickPwn executable which has fixes for YouTube and provides BootNeuter support for the unlock of 2G iPhones. iPhone Dev Team also remind that QuickPwn still a beta software and user use at own risk. The updated tool also available at iPhone Dev Team's server HERE.

10:23 AM

Test proved Apple iPhone 3G Antenna OK

The problems of Apple iPhone 3G network reception has been arise since after July 11st worldwide launch. Many claims suspect these issues are cause by the iPhone's antenna.

While the test conducted by Bluetest is reporting the iPhone's antenna are "completely normal". The results show the connectivity of iPhone was on-par when compared to a SonyEricsson P1 and a Nokia N73.

Steve Jobs has previously claimed that the issues were fix-able through software update. After that, the iPhone 2.0.2 update has been released and claiming it would fix the issue. However most of the users commented the problem still exist.

8:27 PM

Next-Gen Facial Animations look like this?

I believe most of the people won't forget the amazing facial animations videos showed at GDC'08 from Pendulum Studio's Alter Ego. Are we going to see these wonderful 3D facial animations technology in the next-gen gaming and animation? A big YES for me for sure.

8:05 PM

Chicken Little

When I was child, I always want my mum to buy some chick to me as pet but never came true. From the view of parent, the adorable little chick won't be the problem to keep them away from bring some little chick home. The main problem for them should be the chick grow up very fast, how to keep them in the apartment when the chick become chicken? Another reason maybe the recent diseases of the bird flu.

So that, a Japanese toy company has come up a solution with a robotic 'virtual' pet modeled on a 3 day-old chick. It will stay at chick and wont affected by virus forever haha.

4:25 PM

Rose: Apple's New iPod Nano, iPod Touch, iTunes 8.0, and Blu-Ray supported OS X 10.5.6

Kevin Rose from Digg.com is claiming the upcoming updates for iPod, iTunes and Mac OS X. The highlight of his post:

-Entire refresh for iPod product line
-Minor changes on iPod Touch
-Redesign iPod Nano (Pic above)
-Price drop from iPod
-iPod Touch & iPhone (soon) 2.1 OS update
-iTunes 8.0 with new features
-Mac OS X to support Blu-Ray

Rose cited that all of these are coming in the next 2-3 weeks. The new Apple iPod Nano look good in the picture. Let's see what will happen in the coming week. Thanks Rose. (Thomas)

11:40 PM

Real or Not Real??

The girl in the above video isn't real. Yes the girl does exist in the real world but the girl in the video just simply not record by her personally.

Credit to the Image Metrics Technology, real actress Emily O’Brien provided image with 35 facial poses in front of a pair of digital cameras. For the results, while not always perfect especially the eye emotion but still pretty extraordinary. This technology is already adopt by the film manufacturer in the Hollywood (Harry Potter) and games maker (GTA IV).

Maybe we have chance to see Bruce Lee and Jacky Chen showing there great effort in the same movie near future. Let's see.(Thomas)

9:25 PM

iRobot? Perfect-Women?The men next perfect partner?

Don't you remember the Hollywood's blockbuster "iRobot which on scene few years ago? My favorite actor Will Smith was a "half-robot" in that movie. Back to the reality, can you imagine that on one day, you found out that your girlfriend/wife who sleep beside you is a ROBOT!

Don't be too surprise when you are unfortunate enough to fall into this kind of circumstance. This is because a company over France is developing a robot women called "Perfect-Women" and now accept order. I'm kind enough to send a warning to my buddy here. On the other hand, my lovely sisters out there might have more competitors. Have a nice watch on videos below. (Thomas)

6:10 PM

Apple: iPhone 2.0.2 updates fix 3G issue, User might not agreed

Apple officials confirms that latest iPhone 2.0.2 firmware update provide a solution to address 3G reception issues. company spokesperson Jennifer Bowcock as saying, "The software update improves communication with 3G networks."

The users of Apple's new flagship product - iPhone 3G are complaining about the abnormal "poor" 3G network reception and frequently call dropping. After 1 month 7days after iPhone 3G launched on July 11st at US and other 21 countries, the second iPhone 3G OS update 2.0.2 is the respond to the users who looking a solution from Apple.

However, the result of 3G fix of this update might not able to meet user's high expectation. Despite some of the users report slightly enhanced 3G reception, most of the users claim no improvement even a minority report thing goes even worse.

Apple claims the 3G issues which affect 2% of the iPhone users are fix able through software update. iPhone 2.1 update might be the one everyone looking for since 2.0.2 not likely to be a permanent solution for them. (Thomas)

5:05 PM

科技发展趋势之一: Multi-touch Screen Technology 多触点荧幕技术

好了...要再不写些好文章我朋友都不来捧场了。现在要向大家介绍的是科技发展趋势之一的Multi-touch Screen Technology (多触点荧幕技术)。

Apple 是Multi-touch Screen Technology 开发领导者之一。Apple的旗下 iPhone 和 iPod Touch 是目前市场上唯一使用此科技的消费者产品。Microsoft 的 Surface 也是大家所期盼产品之一但它尚再开发中。除了这两家科技巨头以外,尚有其他各大科技企业和团体投入大量精力来开发这无限潜能的新科技。

你或许会问到Multi-touch Screen 和普通的 Touch Screen 有何分别? 顾名思义 Multi-touch Screen 就是在一个荧幕上支持多点触碰。传统的Touch Screen只支持一点触碰。那一点和多点触碰又有什么差别? 差别就在于一根手指和一双手了。

传统Touch Screen由于只支持单点触碰,所以在输入(input)的方法上显得贫乏。而Multi-touch Screen 科技就能克服以上的难题。通过软件的配合,它能轻松透过两只、双手等等完成图片放大缩小、旋转画面、文字输入等指令。


12:28 PM


Intel 副总裁 Pat Gelsinger指出下一波网际网路趋势愿景,将会是嵌入式网际网路(Embedded Internet) ,在嵌入式运算里的新兴市场,如IP网路与安全、智慧型视讯(video intelligence) 、医疗、车用资讯娱乐系统(in-vehicle infotainment)和家庭自动化将可藉由随时维持连线而获得极大的利益。


Pat Gelsinger展示一台采用了Intel EP80579处理器的IP Media Phone慨念机,它不单可以进行视像网络通讯,更可以浏览网页、短片、查看电邮及管理约会等。

此外,汽车制造商BMW 、 NISSAN 及 DAIMLER 均已计划采用EP80579处理器,作为车用电子系统,提供资料、娱乐及网络连接之用,现场更放置了一台BMW概念跑车,展示如何透过网络连接驾驶者可得悉最新的交通 情况,乘客则可以观看串流视频影片,未来更可以协助驾驶者处理路面状况,令行车更为安全。(HKEPC Hardware)

11:45 AM

池塘模拟程式: Koi Pond

这里向大家介绍一个有趣的iPhone/iPod Touch的程式(Application): Koi Pond [App Store]。这个有趣的程式让你的iPhone能模拟池塘的景物如鲤鱼、荷叶等等。

看着这些会不会有些无赖哦? 如果只这样看着鱼儿游来游去或许真的有点无聊,但加上iPhone或iPod Touch 的触碰银幕(Touch Screen) 一定会有你意料不到的情形。

当你的手指在银幕上划来划去,你会看到水面会随你的手指掀起水痕,并且鱼儿会四处躲避。如果你摇晃你的iPhone或iPod Touch,水面随着摇晃。你的手指停留在一个点上,鱼儿会向你游去。


10:50 AM




市场普遍预期Apple将于下月(九月)推出新款以及更新的iPod。消息指iPod Touch 和 iPod Nano将会从新设计,并且将会推出位于新价位US$199的iPod Touch。现在的iPod Touch位于US$299 - US$499不等。


4:10 PM

MagicPad & OpenClip.org为iPhone带来复制与粘贴功能

自iPhone推出以来,用户们为iPhone缺少copy&paste功能而烦恼。虽然Apple表示copy&paste存在于他们的计划当中,但目前还处于只闻楼梯响的阶段。正因如此,一些软体开发人员自行开发了如MagicPad[App Store]和OpenClip等拥有copy&paste功能的编辑器。与MagicPad不同的是,OpenClip的 copy&paste功能并不只局限于本身的程式内,它能从一个程式复制文本并粘贴到另外一个程式中。OpenClip 尚再开发中...我们可以从下面的视频看到OpenClip的完成度已相当高。MagicPad [App Store]已在 App Store 上推出,售价USD$3.99。



1:02 PM

Steve Jobs 承诺在九月修复iphone的应用软件崩溃问题

史蒂夫乔布斯透露在九月,Apple 将会解决iphone用户在应用第三方程式(third-party apps)时突然崩溃的问题。


